Excelente (5)
Two men with the same name lived in a town: Claus the Great, who had four horses, and Claus the Little, owner of only one. All week long Little Claus had to plow for Big, and lend him his one horse; then Claus the Great lent the other his four horses, but only once a week: on Sunday. That day, Little Claus was proudly plowing with the five horses and as soon as people passed, he shouted Get my five horses! This did not please Big Claus, who angrily grabbed a mallet and hit Little Claus's horse on the head, killing him. Poor Claus, bursting into tears, skinned the dead animal, put the skin in the wind to dry, put it in a sack, which he carried on his back, and set out for the city to see if he could sell it. It got late and he had to spend the night outside. The next day he returned to town laden with money, and the Great Claus went to see him.
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) foi um escritor dinamarquês, autor de famosos contos infantis, como “Soldadinho de Chumbo”, “Patinho Feio”, “A Pequena Sereia”, “A Roupa Nova do Rei”, entre outros. Hans Christian Andersen nasceu em Odense, Dinamarca, no dia 2 de abril de 1805. Era filho de um humilde sapateiro, que lutou nas guerras napoleônicas e voltou gravemente doente à sua terra natal morrendo pouco depois.
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