Game Arkos - Le Colonel Chabert

Detalhes do livro

Le Colonel Chabert

Le Colonel Chabert

  • Título: Le Colonel Chabert
  • Tipo de Licença: Domínio Público
  • Edição: 1
  • Série: 1
  • Ilustrador: NENHUM
  • Autor: Paul Kennedy
  • Editora: Global Grey Ebooks
  • Recomendado: 1 º Ano Ensino Médio
  • ISBN: 000-000-00-0000-0
  • Idioma de origem: Francês
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dificuldade do Idioma: Avançado
  • Número de Páginas: 69
  • Ano Publicação: 1831
  • Categoria: drama, justice, law, history
  • Avaliação:

    Não avaliado

Le Colonel Chabert

French author Honoré de Balzac wrote a novella titled Le Colonel Chabert in 1832. It is a part of his La Comédie Humaine novella series (The Human Comedy). In the story, French society during the Restoration and July Monarchy is shown and parodied.A prostitute named Rose Chapotel is married to Colonel Chabert. Napoleon Bonaparte then holds Colonel Chabert in high regard as a French cavalry officer. Chabert was gravely wounded during the Battle of Eylau (1807), and his death and burial are listed with the other French casualties. He does, however, manage to escape his tomb and is then given medical attention by the villagers in the area. He requires several years to fully recover. When he gets back to Paris, he learns that his widow has wed the ascetic Count Ferraud and sold all of Chabert's belongings. He engages Derville, a lawyer, to help him get his money back and his honor after they were wrongfully handed away as an inheritance.Derville, who also represents Countess Ferraud, cautions Chabert against accepting the Countess's offer of a settlement bribe. Chabert ultimately leaves empty-handed and spends the rest of his days in a mental institution.

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Mais sobre o(a) autor(a)

 Paul Kennedy

Paul Kennedy

Paul Kennedy is a national television presenter for ABC News Breakfast. He has worked for three television networks and has written three books, including co-authoring Hell on the Way to Heaven (with Chrissie Foster), one of the triggers for Australia's Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. He lives on the eastern shore of Port Phillip with his wife, Kim, and their three sons, Jack, Gus and Leo.

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