Game Arkos - The Cats of Ulthar

Detalhes do livro

The Cats of Ulthar

The Cats of Ulthar

  • Título: The Cats of Ulthar
  • Tipo de Licença: Domínio Público
  • Edição: 1
  • Série: 1
  • Ilustrador: David Haden.
  • Autor: Lovecraft, Howard Phillips
  • Editora: David Haden.
  • Recomendado: 8º Ano Fundamental II
  • ISBN: 978-1505533316
  • Idioma de origem: Inglês
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dificuldade do Idioma: Intermediário
  • Número de Páginas: 20
  • Ano Publicação: 2019
  • Categoria: Terror, horror cosmico, Mistery, Ficção
  • Avaliação:

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The Cats of Ulthar

"The Cats of Ulthar" is a short story written by American fantasy author H. P. Lovecraft in June 1920. In the tale, an unnamed narrator relates the story of how a law forbidding the killing of cats came to be in a town called Ulthar. As the narrative goes, the city is home to an old couple who enjoy capturing and killing the townspeople's cats. When a caravan of wanderers passes through the city, the kitten of an orphan (Menes) traveling with the band disappears. Upon hearing of the couple's violent acts towards cats, Menes invokes a prayer before leaving town that causes the local felines to swarm the cat-killers' house and devour them. Upon witnessing the result, the local politicians pass a law forbidding the killing of cats. Influenced by Lord Dunsany, the tale was a personal favorite of Lovecraft's and has remained popular since his death. Considered one of the best short stories of Lovecraft's early period, aspects of the The Cats of Ulthar would be referenced again in the author's works The Other Gods and The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. An unnamed narrator, while gazing upon his pet cat, begins to reminisce about a law in the town of Ulthar that forbids the killing of cats and relates the story of how this law came to be. The tale begins with the introduction of an old cotter and his wife who delight in trapping and violently killing any cats who venture onto their property. The people of the town are too afraid of the couple to speak against these acts, so they instead focus their efforts on keeping their felines from approaching the cotter's house. One night a caravan of travelers from a distant land arrives and passes through the village. They bring with them an orphan named Menes who, having lost his family to a plague, has only a small, black kitten to keep him company. After being unable to find his kitten on the third day of his stay, Menes hears the stories of the old cotter and his wife, and decides to take action. Menes spends time meditating prior to unleashing a prayer that affects the shapes and movements of the clouds in the sky. The caravan leaves Ulthar that night, shortly before the townspeople notice that all of their cats have gone missing. The townspeople suspect both the old couple and the wanderers, but the innkeeper's son Atal witnesses the felines circling the property of the cotter. The next morning, the cats have returned to their owners well-fed, but the cotter and his wife have vanished. When the townspeople explore their abandoned house, they discovered nothing more than two skeletons that have been picked clean. The local burgesses, after reviewing the evidence and stories of the townspeople, decide to pass a law that forbids the killing of cats in Ulthar.

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Mais sobre o(a) autor(a)

Lovecraft, Howard Phillips

Lovecraft, Howard Phillips

H. P. Lovecraft nasceu em 1890 em Providence, Rhode Island, onde viveu a maior parte de sua vida. Ele escreveu muitos ensaios e poemas no início de sua carreira, mas gradualmente se concentrou na escrita de histórias de terror, após o advento em 1923 da revista pulp Weird Tales, para a qual contribuiu com a maior parte de sua ficção. Seu relativamente pequeno corpus de ficção - três romances curtos e cerca de sessenta contos - exerceu, no entanto, uma ampla influência no trabalho subsequente no campo, e ele é considerado o principal autor americano de ficção sobrenatural do século XX. H. P. Lovecraft morreu em Providence em 1937.

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