Game Arkos - The Voices of Children

Detalhes do livro

The Voices of Children

The Voices of Children

  • Título: The Voices of Children
  • Tipo de Licença: Domínio Público
  • Edição: 1
  • Série: 1
  • Ilustrador: Child Helpline International
  • Autor: Child Helpline International
  • Editora:
  • Recomendado: 5º Ano Fundamental I
  • ISBN: 000-0000-00-0000-0
  • Idioma de origem: Inglês
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dificuldade do Idioma: Básico
  • Número de Páginas: 35
  • Ano Publicação: 2019
  • Categoria: Ética Social, society, Child story, Ciência e Sociedade
  • Avaliação:

    Não avaliado

The Voices of Children

This book is provided for children to learn about child helpline and how it can help. It sometimes helps to read others stories, and to know that others are out there like you. It helps to know how much talking to someone can achieve and how a child helpline helps others and can help you.

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Mais sobre o(a) autor(a)

Child Helpline International

Child Helpline International

About Child Helpline International Child Helpline International is a collective impact organization with 155 members from 133 countries and territories around the world. We coordinate information, viewpoints, knowledge and data from our child helpline members, partners and external sources. This exceptional resource is used to support child protection systems globally, regionally and nationally, and to help our members advocate for the rights of children and amplify their voices. Every year, child helplines around the world field more than 13 million individual calls, and provide counselling services to almost 3 million children and young people. Until the founding of Child Helpline International in 2003, these organizations did their great work in isolation, and with no access to one another. Now, we are working together every day to bring children’s voices to policymakers and influencers. We make sure that every child has a voice, and that the world hears, listens to and acts upon those voices.

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