Game Arkos - El Rey de Amarillo

Detalhes do livro

El Rey de Amarillo

El Rey de Amarillo

  • Título: El Rey de Amarillo
  • Tipo de Licença: Domínio Público
  • Edição: 1
  • Série: 1
  • Ilustrador: NENHUM
  • Autor: Chambers, Robert W.
  • Editora: Fundación Carlos Slim
  • Recomendado: 3 º Ano Ensino Médio
  • ISBN: 978-1534830530
  • Idioma de origem: Inglês
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dificuldade do Idioma: Avançado
  • Número de Páginas: 187
  • Ano Publicação: 1895
  • Categoria: Mistério, horror, Terror, horror cosmico
  • Avaliação:

    Não avaliado

El Rey de Amarillo

Los relatos de El Rey de Amarillo han sido muy importantes en el desarrollo histórico de la literatura fantástica norteamericana. Todos los principales escritores del periodo de surgimiento del pulp parecen haberlo conocido. Su influencia se extiende casi mundialmente, aun cuando durante muchos años el libro estuviera agotado. De él se extraen temas, se imitan y reciclan relatos, y- lo más importante de todo- los nuevos conceptos de horror metafísico son retomados por una hueste de escritores cansados de los fantasmas y fenómenos ocultistas, y disconformes con el misticismo o la investigación psicológica. En verdad, se puede señalar a El Rey de Amarillo como uno de los más importantes libros de ficción sobrenatural norteamericana entre Poe y los modernos.

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Mais sobre o(a) autor(a)

Chambers, Robert W.

Chambers, Robert W.

Robert William Chambers was an American artist and writer. Chambers was first educated at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute,and then entered the Art Students' League at around the age of twenty, where the artist Charles Dana Gibson was his fellow student. Chambers studied at the École des Beaux-Arts, and at Académie Julian, in Paris from 1886 to 1893, and his work was displayed at the Salon as early as 1889. On his return to New York, he succeeded in selling his illustrations to Life, Truth, and Vogue magazines. Then, for reasons unclear, he devoted his time to writing, producing his first novel, In the Quarter (written in 1887 in Munich). His most famous, and perhaps most meritorious, effort is The King in Yellow, a collection of weird short stories, connected by the theme of the fictitious drama The King in Yellow, which drives those who read it insane. Chambers returned to the weird genre in his later short story collections The Maker of Moons and The Tree of Heaven, but neither earned him such success as The King in Yellow. Chambers later turned to writing romantic fiction to earn a living. According to some estimates, Chambers was one of the most successful literary careers of his period, his later novels selling well and a handful achieving best-seller status. Many of his works were also serialized in magazines. After 1924 he devoted himself solely to writing historical fiction. Chambers for several years made Broadalbin his summer home. Some of his novels touch upon colonial life in Broadalbin and Johnstown. On July 12, 1898, he married Elsa Vaughn Moller (1882-1939). They had a son, Robert Edward Stuart Chambers (later calling himself Robert Husted Chambers) who also gained some fame as an author. Chambers died at his home in the village of Broadalbin, New York, on December 16th 1933.

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