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The Vampire is the founding story of the "romantic vampire" genre. Polidori wrote it on stormy summer nights, between e! June 16 and June 19, 1816 (which was the year without summer), at Villa Diodati together with Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Countess Potocka and Matthew Lewis. Villa Diodati was considered by Mary Shelley as a culturally sacred, where writers like John Milton, Rousseau and Voltaire had been. The story tries to expose the force of the myth that makes ordinary people not believe in vampires, hence the protagonist, Lord Ruthven, takes advantage of this situation to commit their bloody acts. Another of Ruthven's weapons is his great capacity for seduction and his effectiveness as what he is, a vampire, who stands out in the cruel ending of this story with which Polidori transformed the vampire character of folklore into a aristocratic personality, causing great impact on the society of the time.
John Polidori (7 de setembro de 1795 - 24 de agosto de 1821) foi um escritor inglês e médico. Ele é conhecido por suas associações com o movimento romântico e creditado por alguns como o criador do gênero vampiro de fantasia e ficção. Sua obra mais bem sucedida foi a história 1819 curta, O Vampiro , uma das primeiras histórias de vampiros em Inglês. Embora originalmente e erroneamente acreditado em Lord Byron , Byron e Polidori ambos afirmaram que a história é de Polidori
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